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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pay a Blogger Day for Blogger to get paid for their contents

1 comment
Pay a Blogger Day

Flattr that allow user to pay for the content a blogger creates is celebrating Pay a Blogger Day on Nov 29. It is one of the interesting and great event to have.

With this event Flattr trying to motivate reader to pay a little for to Bloggers with different activities like buying e-book, stuffs, t-shirts, follow the link for their affiliate commission, or donating them with donate button, or use Flattr button.

Flattr was launched in August 2010 to support the blogger with the micro-payment through the readers. It did work successfully somewhat but haven't did much. Now Flattr with help of Posterous, Twingly and Bambuser making the event spread around for the free contents that bloggers make out. It encourage user to pay Blogger which make their content worth. Even a little contribution works well, what is their motto.

“If you’re an amateur blogger and get one beer from your readers it could be the best beer you ever had,” said Flattr co-founder Linus Olsson.

Check out more at payablogger and add your blog, or give out something to Blogger who make the internet a well place for you! Check out the video below and put comment, what you think of this event?

1 comment :

  1. I don't feel this will workout for blogger. Advertisement is well and donation or similar kind of things make things worst!


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