World changes day by day!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

New Google account makes Gmail and Google Plus mandatory

Google in process of boosting the no of users in Google plus made huge change in which user creates accounts with Google. Now it is mandatory that people who is signing up for a Google account must have to create a Gmail account as well to join the 9 months old Google Plus. It is unlike previous way where, if people want to use a single product say Docs or You Tube they need to give any email for the Google account.

Making these process mandatory for user Google want to add up users in it Google Plus. This is though not user-friendly way of getting users. It give user extra burden and is far more time taking as well as not so simple. Google forcing as they integrate everything with Google plus to use it and stay on it. This is getting quite worst for Google as they are not succeeding in engaging user on the new social venture.

via Google operating system 


  1. The entire business strategy of google has been to leverage on its suite of services by integrating them. Google Plus was the first public step to bringing all its offerings on to a single platform. While there is a downside to it, it also makes life much easier online for people who do need to use all their services out of one point.

    1. Life will be easier if Google let people use it the way the using earlier.

    2. hey! Subhorup

      You are right, Google plus is made to unify all services in one. But problem is that people used to Facebook and thus not giving chances to Google plus, Google must understand this and don't take stupid unfriendly decisions.

  2. It is like Google supposed to forced user Google plus to thier throat. This strategy will not help and user will have account but they will not to visit so called unused Google plus.

    1. Google is doing that to increases the no of Google Plus user.

  3. I do not read news that have no precise year date


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